I've never been one to see spirits on my own. My mother and other family members attract them but I had never had any solitary encounters. Until my rabbit got sick. She had been sick a few weeks and we had no idea. That's common with rabbits, they try their best to hide illnesses. Before I knew she was sick, I started seeing spirits. I'm trying to recall all the ones I saw.
I don't write things down I can rationalize somewhat.
Lady in white.
This was the first spirit I saw, I recall. I was walking from my room and passing my home office. I looked over at the open door and saw her. I'm thinking of drawing her. She was so tall and seemed slender. Too tall for a human. She was all white. White cloak, white skin. I felt no threat. It was like looking at a Lord of The Rings character coming to life or something. She didn't look at me. I didn't see her eyes. She was at a third degree angle and I saw her lower face. It was just a flash. Despite the flash for some reason the image was engraved into my brain. I find that odd since I can look at a phone number and can't even remember the first three digits.
This looks pretty similar to what I saw, actually. Dark Beira, The Queen of Winter. Very interesting, I wonder if it was her???
I ignored it though, thinking I was a little crazy, had been watching too much TV.
Bright flashes.
In between things I saw many bright flashes. Not a car's lights passing by or the sun going out from a cloud. Just random bright flashes. Could be my vision is messing up, could be my imagination...
Burning candle.
I've been lighting candles to make my house smell good. My rabbit started getting sick and was peeing everywhere. One time the candle flame shot a few feet in the air. Definitely not normal for a tiny candle.
Low black blob.
I was walking from my room to my living room. On the way is the guest bathroom. I saw a black thing that was slow and black. Because of the shadows I thought it was my dog since he's dark brown. But then he was behind me, not there. It was low to the ground and slow (for a spirit.)
Animal spirit?
The day of my bunny's surgery, I was prepping to set her off to the vet. I was leaned down, petting her and soothing her. My dog was also in front of her. I was crouched down and my shirt was lifted from the position and I had exposed skin on my lower back. As I was petting her I felt something furry rub against me. Like when a cat rubs against you, wanting attention. My only two pets were in front of me and I don't have a cat. I quickly reached behind me to grab it, just t see what it was. My hands were greeted with nothing but air. This one had to be one of the more freaky ones, it just felt 100% real.
Contacting my pets:
The day of the surgery I was relaxing on my table, on the laptop. My dog was by my side asleep. He's the type that always likes to be in the same room as me. Suddenly, his ears perked up and he ran in the other room. I found it odd, maybe the post man was at the door and I didn't hear it. I walked into the living room where he was. He was standing there wagging his tail looking at nothing. I thought endearingly "Stupid dog, staring at nothing. he's so silly." But then he turned and looked at me. he seemed confused. He turned back to where he was looking and back at me again. Like "How did you do that?" Was a ghost tricking him into thinking it was me or something....?
Contacting my husband:
Last night my husband and I were hugging, doing our usual lovey dovey routine. Then he looked beside us and asked "What was that?" I asked what was it. He said "I thought I saw something walk past us. But it was just my imagination." It definitely could have been. He's very anti-ghost. He doesn't believe in it one bit. he's 100% science and nothing else. When he heard me discuss the spirits on the phone, he made fun of me. I believe in science but I also believe that science doesn't explain everything out there.
How did they get here?
That's the million dollar question. As I said, I've never had independent ghost encounters before that I'm aware of. I think it was my mother.
For background, my mother is very into the spiritual world; psychic, spirits, all that. But she's not a stable person. She has mental diseases and I'm pretty sure she doesn't practice anything correctly. She and I have always had a horrible relationship. To be honest, I'd prefer her not to be a part of my life, but she's very pushy, so I just cave in.
She came in to visit me since I'm in Ny and much closer to my home state now. She brought a friend that is also into the spiritual world. Now, I don't think it was her friend, she was so sweet and kind. But my mother... I don't even want to say she did it, but more so the tension our relationship has. When I think of her I get a headache and have nothing but negative emotions. Her existence is a ball of negative energy to me. Perhaps the sickening tension between us opened up too much negativity and welcomed all these mishaps.
Right when she left my rabbit became violent on my dog. They had been together years and never once bothered each other. Then all of a sudden she waltz into town and all these bad things started happening to her. She attacked and got injured, then caught her infection and slowly died. It's something I didn't think about until recently.
It's so frustrating. Even though my husband doesn't believe in this stuff, when I brought up that maybe her negative energy caused the illness on our family, he actually agreed. I do believe that a massive amount of negative energy can welcome bad things to happen. It makes you and your family vulnerable.
So the question is: were these spirits giving me a warning or did the energy just invite them to pass by? I didn't receive any negative energy. I felt no fear...
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